Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Garden

In February, my husband and I decided to remove a small section of sod and plant a vegetable garden. We would spend the next few weeks researching the best gardening method for us and soon a 20' x 26' area of the backyard was fenced and then transformed into a square foot garden. The total planted area was just over 150 square feet.

March 19, 2010, one month after conception, the garden was completely in the ground. Five days later, the seeds began sprouting...peas, beans, okra...! Over the next few weeks we watched as our burgeoning plants doubled and tripled in size. At times it seemed the aphids, moths, and flys would thwart our progress, but soon we had gained the upper hand.

Pole Beans Reaching Heavenward

Young Broccoli After A Rain

Flourishing Better Boy Tomatoes

Cucumber Blossoms

Young Yellow Squash

Wilting Squash Blossom

By April 11th, we were enjoying our first harvest of lettuce. This would soon be followed by a serving of home grown collard greens. This week we began to harvest zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, and broccoli.
Happiness can truly be found by planting a garden!

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